Date | Title | Scripture | Transcripts |
19-Jan | Intro to TLC Mission/Vision | ||
26-Jan | Vibrant Worship & Prayer | ||
2-Feb | Love People in Authentic Relationship | ||
9-Feb | Love People in Authentic Relationship | ||
16-Feb | Rooted in the Word of God | ||
23-Feb | Walking in Step with the Holy Spirit | ||
2-Mar | Reaching our Community with the Gospel | ||
9-Mar | Jonah | ||
16-Mar | Jonah | ||
23-Mar | Jonah | ||
30-Mar | Jonah | ||
6-Apr | Jonah | ||
13-Apr | Palm Sunday | ||
20-Apr | Easter Sunday | ||
20-Oct | Faith in Suffering | 1:1-12 | Transcript |
27-Oct | The Source of Temptation | 1:13-18 | Transcript |
3-Nov | Characteristics of Faith | 1:19-27 | Transcript |
10-Nov | Faith Does Not Show Favoritism | 2:1-13 | Transcript |
17-Nov | The Faith That Saves | 2:14-26 | Transcript |
24-Nov | Faith Controls the Tongue | 3:1-12 | Transcript |
1-Dec | Wisdom | 3:13-18 | Transcript |
8-Dec | Divisions | 4:1-12 | Transcript |
15-Dec | The Future | 4:13-5:12 | Transcript |
22-Dec | Isaiah-Birth of Jesus | Isaiah 7:1-9:8 |
Transcript |
24-Dec | Incarnation of Jesus | Philippians 2:6-7 |
Transcript |
29-Dec. A Year of Gratitude Transcript
05-Jan. Faith & the Future. James 4:13-5:12 Transcript
12-Jan. Faith and Christian Relationships James 5:13-20 Transcript
29-Sept. | Knowledge vs. Wisdom |
04-Oct. | Biblical Wisdom vs. Worldly Wisdom |
Date | Title | Scripture | Transcript |
26-May | Revelation Intro | Rev. 1-4 | Transcript |
2-Jun | The Pinnacle of History | Rev. 5 | Transcript |
9-Jun | Seals 1-6 | Rev. 6 | Transcript |
16-Jun | The 144000 | Rev. 7 | Transcript |
23-Jun | 7th Seal & Trumpets 2-4 | Rev. 8 | Transcript |
30-Jun | The 1st 2 Woes! | Rev. 9 | Transcript |
7-Jul | MN Teen & Adult Challenge | ||
14-Jul | The Second Interlude | Rev. 10-11:14 | Transcript |
21-Jul | 7th Trumpet & Another Interlude | Rev. 11:15-12:17 | Transcript |
28-Jul | By Land and By Sea | Rev. 13 | Transcript |
4-Aug | The Mark | Rev. 14 | Transcript |
11-Aug | The Judgement Bowls | Rev. 15-16:15 | Transcript |
18-Aug | Armageddon (Baptism Sunday) | Rev. 16:16-21 | Transcript |
25-Aug | Fall of The Woman & Babylon | Rev. 17-18 | Transcript |
1-Sep | Jesus, Our Victor; Beast & Prophet | Rev. 19 | Transcript |
8-Sep | The Millenium | Rev. 20:1-10 | Transcript |
15-Sep | Judgement of the Dead | Rev. 20:11-15 | Transcript |
22-Sep | New Jerusalem Revelation | Rev. 21 | Transcript |
29-Sep | The Final Word | Rev. 22 | Transcript |
5-May | God The Father | Varied |
12-May | Jesus The Son | Varied |
19-May | The Holy Spirit | Varied |
28-Apr | Missions at The Log Church |
21-Jan | Nehemiah’s Prayer | Nehemiah 1:1-11 |
28-Jan | Nehemiah before Artaxerxes | Nehemiah 2:1-10 |
4-Feb | Rebuilding Begins | Nehemiah 2:11-20 |
11-Feb | Everyone has a Job | Nehemiah 3:1-32 |
18-Feb | Our Defense, Commitment | Nehemiah 4:1-23 |
25-Feb | How we Treat the Poor | Nehemiah 5:1-13 |
3-Mar | Nehemiah’s Example | Nehemiah 5:14-19 |
10-Mar | Nehemiah Focused | Nehemiah 6:1-19 |
17-Mar | Our Protector | Nehemiah 7:1-73a |
24-Mar | Ezra’s Revival | Nehemiah 7:73b-8:12 |
31-Mar | Festival of Booths | Nehemiah 8:13-18 |
7-Apr | Confession & Commitment | Nehemiah 9:1-10:39 |
14-Apr | Play Ball | Nehemiah 11:1-12:47 |
21-Apr | The Principles of Jewish Life | Nehemiah 13:1-31 |
10-Dec | Mary & Elizabeth are Expecting! | Luke 1:26-56 |
17-Dec | John The Baptist is Born! | Luke 1:57-80 |
24-Dec | The Messiah is Born! | Luke 2:1-20 |
31-Dec | New Year’s Resolutions | |
17-Sep | The Charge Concerning Doctrine | 1 Timothy 1:1-11 |
24-Sep | The Charge Concerning Duty | 1 Timothy 1:12-20 |
1-Oct | The Charge Concerning Worship Pt.1 | 1 Timothy 2:1-8 |
8-Oct | The Charge Concerning Worship Pt. 2 | 1 Timothy 2:9-15 |
15-Oct | The Charge Concerning Leaders | 1 Timothy 3:1-16 |
22-Oct | The Charge Concerning False Teachers Pt 1 | 1 Timothy 4:1-8 |
29-Oct | The Charge Concerning False Teachers Pt 2 | 1 Timothy 4:9-16 |
5-Nov | The Charge Concerning Laity Pt. 1 | 1 Timothy 5:1-16 |
12-Nov | The Charge Concerning Laity Pt. 2 | 1 Timothy 5:17-6:2 |
19-Nov | The Charge Concerning The Pastor Pt. 1 | 1 Timothy 6:3-10 |
26-Nov | Give Thanks To The Lord | Psalm 118:1 |
3-Dec | The Charge Concerning The Pastor Pt. 2 | 1 Timothy 6:11-21 |
9-Jul | Joy In Community | Philippians 1:1-11 |
16-Jul | Joy in Suffering | Phil. 1:12-30 |
23-Jul | Heart of The City Worship Band | |
30-Jul | Joy in Service | Phil. 2:1-11 |
6-Aug | Baptism Testimonies | |
13-Aug | Joy in Attitude | Phil. 2:12-30 |
20-Aug | Joy in Humility | Phil. 3:1-11 |
27-Aug | Joy in The Future | Phil. 3:12-4:1 |
3-Sep | Joy in Prayer | Phil. 4:2-9 |
10-Sep | Joy in Contentment | Phil. 4:10-23 |
We begin a series based on The Great Commission and The Great Commandments
- June 4 Great Commission Mt. 28:19-20
- June 11 Great Commandment: Love God Mt. 22:36-40
- June 18 Great Commandment: Love People Mt. 22:36-40
- June 25 Pastor Troy Installation Service
- July 2 Teen Challenge
We begin a series in The Book of Acts. We will look at the first 11 versus learning what a healthy church looks like.
- Jan. 8 What Goes Up Acts 1:1-11
- Jan. 15 And the Winner is…. Acts 1:12-26
- Jan. 22 The Power Source. Acts 2:1-13
- Jan. 29 The Good Word. Acts 2:14-41
- Feb. 5 Friends. Acts 2:42-47
- Feb. 12 The Crippled Beggar is Healed. Acts 3:1-26
- Feb. 19 The Answer Man. Acts 4:1-22
- Feb. 26 Be A Giver. Acts 4:23-5:16
- March 5 Make A Difference Acts 5:17-42
- March 12 Partners. 6:1-15
- March 19 All In 7:1-8:1a
- March 26 Get the Word Out 8:1b-40
- April 2. Who Got Saved? 9:1-31
- April 7 (GOOD FRIDAY)
- April 9 (EASTER) Pork Chops Anyone? 9:32-11:30
- April 16 The King’s Seal 12:1-25
- April 23 Where in the World? 13:1-14:28
- April 30 What Do You Think? 5:1-41
- May 7 Never a Dull Moment 16:1-20:12
- May 14 The Flip Side 20:13-23:35
- May 21 Salt & Light 24-26
- May 28 Forever Faithful 27:1-28:30
- Oct. 23 One God Ex. 20:1-6
Main Thought: There is only one true God - Oct. 30 Say What? Ex. 20:7
Main Thought: How do we control the tongue - Nov. 6 Take a Break Ex. 20:8-11
Main Thought: How do we plan to rest - Nov. 13 Guest Speaker: Glen Bloomstrom
God’s Comfort in Suffering - Nov. 20 “Father Knows Best, Mom Knows More!” Ex. 20:12
Main Thought: Respect - Nov. 27 Don’t do the Bad Stuff Ex. 20:13-14
Main Thought: “We wouldn’t do the big sins, but do we?” - Dec. 4 Don’t Steal ANYTHING Ex. 20:15-16
Main Thought: How we take what doesn’t belong to us. - Dec. 11 The Christmas Covet Ex. 20:17
Main Thought: What do we really desire?
- Sept. 4 Upon This Rock. 2 Timothy 3:16
The introduction to the series sets the foundation of the value of Scripture. Culture dismisses the Old Testament; Jesus came to fulfill it. - Sept. 11 And God Said Genesis 1
Main thought: God as Creator. Humanity tries to create God in our image, but God created us in His. Our culture limits the power of God in creation, God is fully capable of doing anything. - Sept. 18 The Fall Genesis 3
Main thought: Man has become sinful. Here we look at the results of sin and the subsequent separation from God. This is the beginning of our story and the entire message of Scripture. - Sept. 25 Rain and 3 Cities Genesis 6-9, 11, 18-19
This week we look at three stories. The Flood, The Tower of Babel, and The Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah. - Oct. 2 Abraham and Isaac Genesis 12, 15-16, 20-25
Join us as we study the first 2 patriarchs of the faith. What made them so special to receive such a huge promise from God - Oct. 9 God of War Exodus 1-15
The story of the Exodus is more than God saving His People from slavery. It’s about God’s cosmic war against the false gods of Egypt. His cosmic war didn’t stop there and it’s still going on today and He declares war on our idols.
- Oct. 16 Jacob & Joseph
This week we look at Jacob & Joseph, the final 2 of the 4 Patriarchs of the Jewish faith. This father son duo carry the promise of God, but they did it in two very different ways.
Picture This
(Click here to view the introduction video by Pastor Mark)
Who do you picture Jesus to be? If someone were to ask you, “Who is Jesus to you?” What would you say? Join us this summer at The Log Church as we examine who Jesus was and continues to be.
- June 5 (Volunteer Sunday) Son Of God & Son of Man John 1:1-14, 2:1-10
- June 12 Soul-Winner John 4:7-29
- June 19 (Father’s Day) Divine Teacher John 3:2-21
- June 26 Great Physician John 5:1-9
- July 3 (Teen Challenge) Bread of Life John 6:32-38
- July 10 Defender of the Weak John 8:3-11
- July 17 Light of the World John 9:1-39
- July 31 Prince of Life 11:1-44
- August 7 Servant King John 12:12-13:10
- August 14 True Vine John 15:1-16
- August 21 (Baptism Sunday) Giver of the Holy Spirit John 16:1-15
- August 28 Great Intercessor John 17:1-26
In Light Of … Are We Walking or Wandering?
(Click here to view the introduction video by Pastor Mark)
God has a mission for us to walk in His ways and not simply wander through life as if we have no purpose. This series, based on I John, will help illuminate how we are all called to walk “in light of” some very important things that we cannot lose sight of.
The Holy Spirit
Many can wrap their arms around the idea of God as Father, and they can also have a basic understanding of who Jesus is yet when it comes to the Holy Spirit that is where things can get confusing. In this 5-week series, taken in large part from the book of the same name by Francis Chn, we will dive into gaining a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit and the role it can and does play in our lives.
What Is?
(Click here to view the introduction video by Pastor Mark)
Many people have questions about what Christianity really is and the answers they receive sometimes only make things even more confusing. So what is a Christian and what is it that we believe? This series will hopefully help make that VERY clear.
- Jan. 16 WHAT IS TRUTH … Absolute or Relative?
- Jan. 23 WHAT IS GOD … Sovereign or Limited?
- Jan. 30 WHAT IS CREATION … Intentional or Accidental?
- Feb. 6 WHAT IS HUMANITY … Good or Bad?
- Feb. 13 WHAT IS LIFE … Purpose or Fate Driven?
- Feb. 20 WHAT IS EVIL … A Thing or Person?
- Feb. 27 WHAT IS JESUS … A Way or The Way?
To download Faith At Home: Holy Sexuality Resource Guide (click here)
Characters of Christmas Portrayals
(Click here to view the introduction video recorded by Pastor Mark)
This series will examine the different characters in the Christmas story to see how the birth of Jesus impacts each of them and how it should be impacting us as well.
- Dec. 5 MARY: When God’s will is made clear in life and we obey, nothing is impossible.
- Dec. 12 JOSEPH: We must learn to align our lives to God’s plan as HE leads.
- Dec. 19 SHEPHERD: As believers, we must understand that the gospel reaches all people.
- Dec. 26 SIMEON: When you “see” Jesus are you filled with excitement and anticipation?
Jan. 2 YOU IN 2022: New Year’s Message
Becoming Who We Are Meant To Be
(Click here to view the introduction video recorded by Pastor Mark)
Every person alive is in the process of becoming more — or less — like who they were made to be.
But who are we? What are we here for? And how do people change? The gospel reveals that Jesus is the answer to all three questions: We are made in His image, and we are called to become more like Him in all our thoughts, desires, and character. Yet this transformation is impossible to maintain by self-improvement and moral restraint alone. Rather, it takes a gradual process of “working out what God works in” through the saving grace of Jesus and the power of His Spirit.
- Oct. 3 Who Do You Think You Are? (Ephesians 1:1-23)
- Oct. 10 I Am Rescued (Ephesians 2:1-10)
- Oct. 17 I Belong (Ephesians 2:11-20)
- Oct. 24 It’s Not About Me (Ephesians 3:1-21)
- Oct. 31 It’s About Us (Ephesians 4:1-16)
- Nov. 7 Living As Life Givers (Ephesians 4:17-5:17)
- Nov. 14 Living Out Mutual Honor (Ephesians 5:22-6:1-9)
- Nov. 21 There’s A Battle Over You (Ephesians 6:10-20)
- Nov. 28 “Is God Thankful?”
(Click here to view the “I’M IN” introduction video by Pastor Mark)
You have a God-given purpose waiting to be discovered. You have people around you ready to encourage you. And, you may not know it yet, but you have everything you need to chase your passion. We just have one question: Are You In?
- Sept. 5 I’m Invited Luke 7:37-48
- Sept. 12 I’m Invaluable 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
- Sept. 19 I’m Influential John 4:9-41
- Sept. 26 I’m Invested Luke 9:12-17, 12:18-21
That’s right, every Sunday at The Log Church you have the opportunity to hear the greatest sermons ever preached because we will be plagiarizing directly from the most famous sermon Jesus (the greatest preacher) ever preached! The Sermon on the Mount was preached to ordinary people and covers a wide range of topics. Every topic of every week will go to the heart and provide practical wisdom that will help everyone to live a life that is rewarding, free of hypocrisy, and pleasing to God.
- June 6 The Attributes of a Great Sermon
- June 13 What Christian Life Looks Like
- June 20 What Type of Christian Are You? (Father’s Day)
- June 27 Are You a Law-Abiding Citizen?
- July 4 (Teen Challenge)
- July 11 You Have Heard It Said … But I Tell You
- July 18 Honest to God
- July 25 Radical Love
- Aug 1 Don’t Be A Showoff
- Aug 8 Where’s Your Heart?
- Aug 15 Don’t Worry
- Aug 22 Don’t Judge, Ask
- Aug 29 Hypocrites Beware
- Sept. 5 Just Do It (Labor Day Weekend)
(Click here to view the “TRUE RICHES” introduction video by Pastor Mark)
Jesus knew that how we think about money shapes our character. Our approach can make us more like him — full of contentment, purpose and freedom — or it can cause a tragic separation from God and the joy he offers. In this series, based on the book by the same name, we’ll contrast the financial attitudes that weigh us down with those that give us life.
- April 11 Pride to Gratitude I Timothy 6:17-19
- April 18 Indifference to Love Matthew 6:19-24
- May 2 Anxiety to Trust Matthew 6:25-34
- May 9 Encouraging Reminders from Philippians 4 (Mother’s Day)
- May 16. Coveting to Contentment
- May 23. Outsourcing to Engagement
- May 30. Vision Sunday
(Click here to view the “Changed by Jesus'” intro video by Pastor Mark)
In the month of March, we will be hearing firsthand accounts of Biblical characters who had their lives completely changed by Jesus. Join us on Sundays at 10:00 am, either in-person or online, as we hear their stories told to us through dramatic character portrayals that will bring these accounts to life.
- March 7 A Changed Businessman (Zacchaeus) Pastor Mark with Chris Tangen
- March 14 A Changed Invalid (The Lame Man). Pastor Mark with Matt Shamp
- March 21 A Changed Outcast (The Leper Who Came Back). Pastor Mark with Cody DePlazes
- March 28 A Changed Dead Man (Lazarus) Pastor Troy with Charlie Williams
- April 2 GOOD FRIDAY 6:30 pm A Changed Woman. (Martha). Pastor Mark with Sarah Dawdy
- April 4 EASTER SUNDAY And Then Everything Changed … Have We?
Next Step Card … for a New Believer
Next Step Card … for Believers Who Want to Grow
(Click here to view the “WHAT’S YOUR WHY?'” intro video by Pastor Mark)
Have you ever wondered why? Why me O Lord? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow suffering? Is it ok to ask God why? This series is going to focus on what God wants us to know and how He plans to help us navigate our way through the “Why times” that life throws our way.
- February 7 God, Why Me? (Pastor Mark)
Have you ever found yourself wondering if things are ever going to get better or if you are ever going to catch a break? Does it seem like a dark cloud is always following you and you don’t know what you’ve done to deserve what is happening to you or what you are having to go through? God, why me?
- February 14 Greatest Love Story Ever Told -Valentine’s Day Message (Pastor Troy)
- February 21. God, Why Them? (Pastor Mark)
Have you ever wondered why? Why me O Lord? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow suffering? Is it ok to ask God why? This series is going to focus on what God wants us to know and how He plans to help us navigate our way through the “Why times” that life throws our way.
- February 28. God, Do Something! (Pastor Mark)
Why is it that evil is so prevalent and appears to prosper while those who do good seem to get trampled upon? And why does it seem that those who do evil seem to get away scot-free? Is there any hope for justice? God, why not destroy evil right now?
DON’T GROW COLD (A study in I Peter)
(Click here to view Introduction Video by Pastor Mark)
January in MN, “Baby It’s Cold Outside”, and as the pandemic continues, it’s natural to grow cold and callous towards life. The Log Church wants to help you resist or even melt the cold in our hearts. Stay warm. Stay sensitive to His Spirit as we step into the new year.
- January 3: Don’t Let Your Perspective Grow Cold * (Pastor Mark)
*We will include the YouTube video of Lou Holtz. These links were sent to Pastor Mark by Jim Schultz. or
- January 10: Don’t Let Your VALUES Grow Cold (Pastor Troy)
- January 17: Don’t Let Your CALLING Grow Cold (Pastor Mark)
- January 24: Don’t Let Your LOVE Grow Cold (Pastor Mark)
15 Ways to Honor Your Wife
Finally All of You Checklist
- January 31: Don’t Let Your LOVE FOR COMMUNITY Grow Cold (Pastor Mark)
THE BEHOLD CHALLENGE (click here to view)
The word Behold means to see or gaze upon. There is a lot to look at during the Christmas season…the lights, snow, Christmas deals and presents piling up underneath the tree but is that what we are supposed to be gazing upon or should it be something else? This four-week Christmas series will focus on what we need to be BEHOLDING at Christmas time and all the time!
Whenever we are faced with an uncertain future, we still have something we can fully expect and trust.What are you trusting in these days? Is it trustworthy?
Storms are a reality for all of us. You may be in a storm right now. How can God give us the ability to see through the storms?
We need to keep our eyes open to the many ways God works in our lives, because if we don’t…we may miss it.
How do you see yourself? How does God see you? Once you know it may change everything in your life.
Join us either in person or online for our special Christmas Eve services that will have wonderful music, an inspirational message and a special candlelight time that will help children, youth, families and adult of all ages to BEHOLD HIM!
2020 is almost over…finally! What should our focus be as we move into 2021?
Tough circumstances are no match for the kind of inner strength fueled by hope. It’s the difference between a situation destroying your future and a situation galvanizing your potential. (Outline from 50 Days of Unleashing Hope from Hope Covenant Church, Chandler, AZ
- Introduction Video: “NEED HOPE?”
- Sunday, Oct. 11: Recharge Your Batteries
Psalm 31:24 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Oct. 18: Raise Your Expectations
1 Corinthians 13:13 Pastor Fred Cressman - Sunday, Oct. 25: Refocus on the Future
Philippians 3:13-14 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 1: Hope in Chaos!
1 Corinthians 11:17-12:34 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 8: Hope In Love
1 Corinthians 13 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 15: Hope In the Church
1 Corinthians 14 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 22: Thanksgiving: Give Thanks
Psalm 136:1 Pastor Troy
This four-week series reminds us that God is with us in the disorienting, culture-shifting situations we find ourselves in, whether because of a global pandemic like COVID-19, a new life stage by choice, or a sudden change by chance.
- Sunday, Sept. 13: Resetting Our Priorities
Haggai 1:1-2:23 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Sept. 20: Remaining Hopeful & Hopefilled
Zechariah 8:4-13 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Sept. 27: Moving Forward Boldly
Esther 3:1-15; 4:14 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Oct. 4: New Opportunities
Acts 8:26-39 Pastor Mark
In a world of texts, tweets, and memes, the Bible often gets reduced to an old book of inspirational quotes and wise sayings. This series will help us sort out commonly misquoted verses and misunderstood passages to keep us from getting God’s Word twisted.
- Sunday, August 2: Pastor Mark
Ask Anything - Sunday, August 9: Pastor Mark
Do Not Judge - Sunday, August 16: Pastor Mark & Guest Fred Cressman
A Global vs. Local Perspective - Sunday, August 23: Pastor Mark
Everything Happens for a Reason - Sunday, August 30: Pastor Troy
Plans to Prosper - Sunday, Sept. 6: Pastor Mark
God Never Gives Us More Than We Can Handle
Truth Plus Love
(Based on the book by Matt Brown)
The stakes are high and the need is great for Christians to represent Jesus to the world. Today, we have more influence than ever before—for better and for worse. Social media has provided a global megaphone, but it’s not enough to speak truth louder to a noisy culture. To counter the negative reputation Christians have earned, our love must be just as loud. (Please click on the links below to view sermon)
- Sunday, June 7
Where Has Our Influence Gone? - Sunday, June 14
Love - Sunday, June 21
Love is … patient & kind - Sunday, June 28
Love does not … envy or boast & is not proud - Sunday, July 5
Love is not … rude, self-seeking or easily angered - Sunday, July 12
Love does not … delight in evil but rejoices with the truth - Sunday, July 19
Love always … protects, trusts, hopes, perserveres - Sunday, July 26
Truth Plus Love Influence
Go to any bookstore and you will find dozens if not hundreds of leadership books. In today’s world we seem to be consumed with pursuing leadership yet Jesus says, “Come and follow me.” And during this pandemic, we are all forced to follow yet, for many of us, this is becoming increasingly difficult. So, how can we become better followers and could it be that the key to being a good leader is to be a great follower?
- Sunday, May 3
The Case for Followership - Sunday, May 10
Law #1 of Followership – Followers Buy In - Sunday, May 17
Law #2 of Followership – Followers Stay Connected - Sunday, May 24
Law #3 of Followership – Followers Imitate Well - Sunday, May 31
Law #4 of Followership – Followers Remain Followers
G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time)
Whether or not you’re a Christian, it’s hard to argue that any man has had a greater influence on history than Jesus. Two thousand years after Jesus’ time on earth, we still talk about Him and what He did. In this series we take a look at things that made Jesus the G.O.A.T.
- Sunday, April 5 (Palm Sunday)
The Greatest King - Friday, April 10
Good Friday Service - Sunday, April 12 (Easter)
The Greatest Still - Sunday, April 19
The Greatest Teacher - Sunday, April 26
The Greatest Sacrifice
Hope In The Midst of a Pandemic:
The COVID-19 pandemic is real and it will be impacting us for awhile. How are we called to respond and live in a world that will be battling and struggling with this virus? Where is God in the midst of this?
Sunday, March 8
Hope In the Midst of a Pandemic (Audio File) -
Sunday, March 15
Hope In the Midst of a Pandemic -
Sunday, March 22
A New Abnormal -
Sunday, March 29
Here We Are _ So Here We Go -
Sunday, April 5
Things You Can be Sure of in Unsure Times
Living In A Messed Up World
Things in our world seem to be getting “messier” every day and it can lead us to wonder if there is anything we can do about it. Thankfully, there is and that is what we are uncovering this winter at The Log Church as we take a journey through I Peter.
RE: Jesus
Isn’t it amazing how busy we get at Christmas time? We have so many things that require our time and attention which can make it easy to forget what Christmas is really all about. When you send or receive an email, many times the subject line will tell you what the email is regarding, (RE:). So throughout the month of December the subject of our messages will be … RE: Jesus so that we do not lose focus on the One who is the reason for the season.
Living In Open Brokenness
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Let’s Get Real
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Letting Go
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Celebration of Life Services
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Gerri Westlund – Celebration of Life
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Bradly Bethke – Celebration of Life
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Dear Church…
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Making Better Decisions
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
The Promise
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
In Light Of … Are We Walking of Wandering?
(Click here to view the introduction video by Pastor Mark)
God has a mission for us to walk in His ways and not simply wander through life as if we have no purpose. This series, based on I John, will help illuminate how we are all called to walk “in light of” some very important things that we cannot lose sight of.
The Holy Spirit
Many can wrap their arms around the idea of God as Father, and they can also have a basic understanding of who Jesus is yet when it comes to the Holy Spirit that is where things can get confusing. In this 5-week series, taken in large part from the book of the same name by Francis Chn, we will dive into gaining a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit and the role it can and does play in our lives.
What Is?
(Click here to view the introduction video by Pastor Mark)
Many people have questions about what Christianity really is and the answers they receive sometimes only make things even more confusing. So what is a Christian and what is it that we believe? This series will hopefully help make that VERY clear.
- Jan. 16 WHAT IS TRUTH … Absolute or Relative?
- Jan. 23 WHAT IS GOD … Sovereign or Limited?
- Jan. 30 WHAT IS CREATION … Intentional or Accidental?
- Feb. 6 WHAT IS HUMANITY … Good or Bad?
- Feb. 13 WHAT IS LIFE … Purpose or Fate Driven?
- Feb. 20 WHAT IS EVIL … A Thing or Person?
- Feb. 27 WHAT IS JESUS … A Way or The Way?
To download Faith At Home: Holy Sexuality Resource Guide (click here)
Characters of Christmas Portrayals
(Click here to view the introduction video recorded by Pastor Mark)
This series will examine the different characters in the Christmas story to see how the birth of Jesus impacts each of them and how it should be impacting us as well.
- Dec. 5 MARY: When God’s will is made clear in life and we obey, nothing is impossible.
- Dec. 12 JOSEPH: We must learn to align our lives to God’s plan as HE leads.
- Dec. 19 SHEPHERD: As believers, we must understand that the gospel reaches all people.
- Dec. 26 SIMEON: When you “see” Jesus are you filled with excitement and anticipation?
Jan. 2 YOU IN 2022: New Year’s Message
Becoming Who We Are Meant To Be
(Click here to view the introduction video recorded by Pastor Mark)
Every person alive is in the process of becoming more — or less — like who they were made to be.
But who are we? What are we here for? And how do people change? The gospel reveals that Jesus is the answer to all three questions: We are made in His image, and we are called to become more like Him in all our thoughts, desires, and character. Yet this transformation is impossible to maintain by self-improvement and moral restraint alone. Rather, it takes a gradual process of “working out what God works in” through the saving grace of Jesus and the power of His Spirit.
- Oct. 3 Who Do You Think You Are? (Ephesians 1:1-23)
- Oct. 10 I Am Rescued (Ephesians 2:1-10)
- Oct. 17 I Belong (Ephesians 2:11-20)
- Oct. 24 It’s Not About Me (Ephesians 3:1-21)
- Oct. 31 It’s About Us (Ephesians 4:1-16)
- Nov. 7 Living As Life Givers (Ephesians 4:17-5:17)
- Nov. 14 Living Out Mutual Honor (Ephesians 5:22-6:1-9)
- Nov. 21 There’s A Battle Over You (Ephesians 6:10-20)
- Nov. 28 “Is God Thankful?”
(Click here to view the “I’M IN” introduction video by Pastor Mark)
You have a God-given purpose waiting to be discovered. You have people around you ready to encourage you. And, you may not know it yet, but you have everything you need to chase your passion. We just have one question: Are You In?
- Sept. 5 I’m Invited Luke 7:37-48
- Sept. 12 I’m Invaluable 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
- Sept. 19 I’m Influential John 4:9-41
- Sept. 26 I’m Invested Luke 9:12-17, 12:18-21
That’s right, every Sunday at The Log Church you have the opportunity to hear the greatest sermons ever preached because we will be plagiarizing directly from the most famous sermon Jesus (the greatest preacher) ever preached! The Sermon on the Mount was preached to ordinary people and covers a wide range of topics. Every topic of every week will go to the heart and provide practical wisdom that will help everyone to live a life that is rewarding, free of hypocrisy, and pleasing to God.
- June 6 The Attributes of a Great Sermon
- June 13 What Christian Life Looks Like
- June 20 What Type of Christian Are You? (Father’s Day)
- June 27 Are You a Law-Abiding Citizen?
- July 4 (Teen Challenge)
- July 11 You Have Heard It Said … But I Tell You
- July 18 Honest to God
- July 25 Radical Love
- Aug 1 Don’t Be A Showoff
- Aug 8 Where’s Your Heart?
- Aug 15 Don’t Worry
- Aug 22 Don’t Judge, Ask
- Aug 29 Hypocrites Beware
- Sept. 5 Just Do It (Labor Day Weekend)
(Click here to view the “TRUE RICHES” introduction video by Pastor Mark)
Jesus knew that how we think about money shapes our character. Our approach can make us more like him — full of contentment, purpose and freedom — or it can cause a tragic separation from God and the joy he offers. In this series, based on the book by the same name, we’ll contrast the financial attitudes that weigh us down with those that give us life.
- April 11 Pride to Gratitude I Timothy 6:17-19
- April 18 Indifference to Love Matthew 6:19-24
- May 2 Anxiety to Trust Matthew 6:25-34
- May 9 Encouraging Reminders from Philippians 4 (Mother’s Day)
- May 16. Coveting to Contentment
- May 23. Outsourcing to Engagement
- May 30. Vision Sunday
(Click here to view the “Changed by Jesus'” intro video by Pastor Mark)
In the month of March, we will be hearing firsthand accounts of Biblical characters who had their lives completely changed by Jesus. Join us on Sundays at 10:00 am, either in-person or online, as we hear their stories told to us through dramatic character portrayals that will bring these accounts to life.
- March 7 A Changed Businessman (Zacchaeus) Pastor Mark with Chris Tangen
- March 14 A Changed Invalid (The Lame Man). Pastor Mark with Matt Shamp
- March 21 A Changed Outcast (The Leper Who Came Back). Pastor Mark with Cody DePlazes
- March 28 A Changed Dead Man (Lazarus) Pastor Troy with Charlie Williams
- April 2 GOOD FRIDAY 6:30 pm A Changed Woman. (Martha). Pastor Mark with Sarah Dawdy
- April 4 EASTER SUNDAY And Then Everything Changed … Have We?
Next Step Card … for a New Believer
Next Step Card … for Believers Who Want to Grow
(Click here to view the “WHAT’S YOUR WHY?'” intro video by Pastor Mark)
Have you ever wondered why? Why me O Lord? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow suffering? Is it ok to ask God why? This series is going to focus on what God wants us to know and how He plans to help us navigate our way through the “Why times” that life throws our way.
- February 7 God, Why Me? (Pastor Mark)
Have you ever found yourself wondering if things are ever going to get better or if you are ever going to catch a break? Does it seem like a dark cloud is always following you and you don’t know what you’ve done to deserve what is happening to you or what you are having to go through? God, why me?
- February 14 Greatest Love Story Ever Told -Valentine’s Day Message (Pastor Troy)
- February 21. God, Why Them? (Pastor Mark)
Have you ever wondered why? Why me O Lord? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow suffering? Is it ok to ask God why? This series is going to focus on what God wants us to know and how He plans to help us navigate our way through the “Why times” that life throws our way.
- February 28. God, Do Something! (Pastor Mark)
Why is it that evil is so prevalent and appears to prosper while those who do good seem to get trampled upon? And why does it seem that those who do evil seem to get away scot-free? Is there any hope for justice? God, why not destroy evil right now?
DON’T GROW COLD (A study in I Peter)
(Click here to view Introduction Video by Pastor Mark)
January in MN, “Baby It’s Cold Outside”, and as the pandemic continues, it’s natural to grow cold and callous towards life. The Log Church wants to help you resist or even melt the cold in our hearts. Stay warm. Stay sensitive to His Spirit as we step into the new year.
- January 3: Don’t Let Your Perspective Grow Cold * (Pastor Mark)
*We will include the YouTube video of Lou Holtz. These links were sent to Pastor Mark by Jim Schultz. or
- January 10: Don’t Let Your VALUES Grow Cold (Pastor Troy)
- January 17: Don’t Let Your CALLING Grow Cold (Pastor Mark)
- January 24: Don’t Let Your LOVE Grow Cold (Pastor Mark)
15 Ways to Honor Your Wife
Finally All of You Checklist
- January 31: Don’t Let Your LOVE FOR COMMUNITY Grow Cold (Pastor Mark)
THE BEHOLD CHALLENGE (click here to view)
The word Behold means to see or gaze upon. There is a lot to look at during the Christmas season…the lights, snow, Christmas deals and presents piling up underneath the tree but is that what we are supposed to be gazing upon or should it be something else? This four-week Christmas series will focus on what we need to be BEHOLDING at Christmas time and all the time!
Whenever we are faced with an uncertain future, we still have something we can fully expect and trust.What are you trusting in these days? Is it trustworthy?
Storms are a reality for all of us. You may be in a storm right now. How can God give us the ability to see through the storms?
We need to keep our eyes open to the many ways God works in our lives, because if we don’t…we may miss it.
How do you see yourself? How does God see you? Once you know it may change everything in your life.
Join us either in person or online for our special Christmas Eve services that will have wonderful music, an inspirational message and a special candlelight time that will help children, youth, families and adult of all ages to BEHOLD HIM!
2020 is almost over…finally! What should our focus be as we move into 2021?
Tough circumstances are no match for the kind of inner strength fueled by hope. It’s the difference between a situation destroying your future and a situation galvanizing your potential. (Outline from 50 Days of Unleashing Hope from Hope Covenant Church, Chandler, AZ
- Introduction Video: “NEED HOPE?”
- Sunday, Oct. 11: Recharge Your Batteries
Psalm 31:24 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Oct. 18: Raise Your Expectations
1 Corinthians 13:13 Pastor Fred Cressman - Sunday, Oct. 25: Refocus on the Future
Philippians 3:13-14 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 1: Hope in Chaos!
1 Corinthians 11:17-12:34 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 8: Hope In Love
1 Corinthians 13 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 15: Hope In the Church
1 Corinthians 14 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 22: Thanksgiving: Give Thanks
Psalm 136:1 Pastor Troy
This four-week series reminds us that God is with us in the disorienting, culture-shifting situations we find ourselves in, whether because of a global pandemic like COVID-19, a new life stage by choice, or a sudden change by chance.
- Sunday, Sept. 13: Resetting Our Priorities
Haggai 1:1-2:23 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Sept. 20: Remaining Hopeful & Hopefilled
Zechariah 8:4-13 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Sept. 27: Moving Forward Boldly
Esther 3:1-15; 4:14 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Oct. 4: New Opportunities
Acts 8:26-39 Pastor Mark
In a world of texts, tweets, and memes, the Bible often gets reduced to an old book of inspirational quotes and wise sayings. This series will help us sort out commonly misquoted verses and misunderstood passages to keep us from getting God’s Word twisted.
- Sunday, August 2: Pastor Mark
Ask Anything - Sunday, August 9: Pastor Mark
Do Not Judge - Sunday, August 16: Pastor Mark & Guest Fred Cressman
A Global vs. Local Perspective - Sunday, August 23: Pastor Mark
Everything Happens for a Reason - Sunday, August 30: Pastor Troy
Plans to Prosper - Sunday, Sept. 6: Pastor Mark
God Never Gives Us More Than We Can Handle
Truth Plus Love
(Based on the book by Matt Brown)
The stakes are high and the need is great for Christians to represent Jesus to the world. Today, we have more influence than ever before—for better and for worse. Social media has provided a global megaphone, but it’s not enough to speak truth louder to a noisy culture. To counter the negative reputation Christians have earned, our love must be just as loud. (Please click on the links below to view sermon)
- Sunday, June 7
Where Has Our Influence Gone? - Sunday, June 14
Love - Sunday, June 21
Love is … patient & kind - Sunday, June 28
Love does not … envy or boast & is not proud - Sunday, July 5
Love is not … rude, self-seeking or easily angered - Sunday, July 12
Love does not … delight in evil but rejoices with the truth - Sunday, July 19
Love always … protects, trusts, hopes, perserveres - Sunday, July 26
Truth Plus Love Influence
Go to any bookstore and you will find dozens if not hundreds of leadership books. In today’s world we seem to be consumed with pursuing leadership yet Jesus says, “Come and follow me.” And during this pandemic, we are all forced to follow yet, for many of us, this is becoming increasingly difficult. So, how can we become better followers and could it be that the key to being a good leader is to be a great follower?
- Sunday, May 3
The Case for Followership - Sunday, May 10
Law #1 of Followership – Followers Buy In - Sunday, May 17
Law #2 of Followership – Followers Stay Connected - Sunday, May 24
Law #3 of Followership – Followers Imitate Well - Sunday, May 31
Law #4 of Followership – Followers Remain Followers
G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time)
Whether or not you’re a Christian, it’s hard to argue that any man has had a greater influence on history than Jesus. Two thousand years after Jesus’ time on earth, we still talk about Him and what He did. In this series we take a look at things that made Jesus the G.O.A.T.
- Sunday, April 5 (Palm Sunday)
The Greatest King - Friday, April 10
Good Friday Service - Sunday, April 12 (Easter)
The Greatest Still - Sunday, April 19
The Greatest Teacher - Sunday, April 26
The Greatest Sacrifice
Hope In The Midst of a Pandemic:
The COVID-19 pandemic is real and it will be impacting us for awhile. How are we called to respond and live in a world that will be battling and struggling with this virus? Where is God in the midst of this?
Sunday, March 8
Hope In the Midst of a Pandemic (Audio File) -
Sunday, March 15
Hope In the Midst of a Pandemic -
Sunday, March 22
A New Abnormal -
Sunday, March 29
Here We Are _ So Here We Go -
Sunday, April 5
Things You Can be Sure of in Unsure Times
Living In A Messed Up World
Things in our world seem to be getting “messier” every day and it can lead us to wonder if there is anything we can do about it. Thankfully, there is and that is what we are uncovering this winter at The Log Church as we take a journey through I Peter.
RE: Jesus
Isn’t it amazing how busy we get at Christmas time? We have so many things that require our time and attention which can make it easy to forget what Christmas is really all about. When you send or receive an email, many times the subject line will tell you what the email is regarding, (RE:). So throughout the month of December the subject of our messages will be … RE: Jesus so that we do not lose focus on the One who is the reason for the season.
Living In Open Brokenness
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Let’s Get Real
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Letting Go
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Celebration of Life Services
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Gerri Westlund – Celebration of Life
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Bradly Bethke – Celebration of Life
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Dear Church…
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Making Better Decisions
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
The Promise
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
In Light Of … Are We Walking of Wandering?
(Click here to view the introduction video by Pastor Mark)
God has a mission for us to walk in His ways and not simply wander through life as if we have no purpose. This series, based on I John, will help illuminate how we are all called to walk “in light of” some very important things that we cannot lose sight of.
The Holy Spirit
Many can wrap their arms around the idea of God as Father, and they can also have a basic understanding of who Jesus is yet when it comes to the Holy Spirit that is where things can get confusing. In this 5-week series, taken in large part from the book of the same name by Francis Chn, we will dive into gaining a greater understanding of the Holy Spirit and the role it can and does play in our lives.
What Is?
(Click here to view the introduction video by Pastor Mark)
Many people have questions about what Christianity really is and the answers they receive sometimes only make things even more confusing. So what is a Christian and what is it that we believe? This series will hopefully help make that VERY clear.
- Jan. 16 WHAT IS TRUTH … Absolute or Relative?
- Jan. 23 WHAT IS GOD … Sovereign or Limited?
- Jan. 30 WHAT IS CREATION … Intentional or Accidental?
- Feb. 6 WHAT IS HUMANITY … Good or Bad?
- Feb. 13 WHAT IS LIFE … Purpose or Fate Driven?
- Feb. 20 WHAT IS EVIL … A Thing or Person?
- Feb. 27 WHAT IS JESUS … A Way or The Way?
To download Faith At Home: Holy Sexuality Resource Guide (click here)
Characters of Christmas Portrayals
(Click here to view the introduction video recorded by Pastor Mark)
This series will examine the different characters in the Christmas story to see how the birth of Jesus impacts each of them and how it should be impacting us as well.
- Dec. 5 MARY: When God’s will is made clear in life and we obey, nothing is impossible.
- Dec. 12 JOSEPH: We must learn to align our lives to God’s plan as HE leads.
- Dec. 19 SHEPHERD: As believers, we must understand that the gospel reaches all people.
- Dec. 26 SIMEON: When you “see” Jesus are you filled with excitement and anticipation?
Jan. 2 YOU IN 2022: New Year’s Message
Becoming Who We Are Meant To Be
(Click here to view the introduction video recorded by Pastor Mark)
Every person alive is in the process of becoming more — or less — like who they were made to be.
But who are we? What are we here for? And how do people change? The gospel reveals that Jesus is the answer to all three questions: We are made in His image, and we are called to become more like Him in all our thoughts, desires, and character. Yet this transformation is impossible to maintain by self-improvement and moral restraint alone. Rather, it takes a gradual process of “working out what God works in” through the saving grace of Jesus and the power of His Spirit.
- Oct. 3 Who Do You Think You Are? (Ephesians 1:1-23)
- Oct. 10 I Am Rescued (Ephesians 2:1-10)
- Oct. 17 I Belong (Ephesians 2:11-20)
- Oct. 24 It’s Not About Me (Ephesians 3:1-21)
- Oct. 31 It’s About Us (Ephesians 4:1-16)
- Nov. 7 Living As Life Givers (Ephesians 4:17-5:17)
- Nov. 14 Living Out Mutual Honor (Ephesians 5:22-6:1-9)
- Nov. 21 There’s A Battle Over You (Ephesians 6:10-20)
- Nov. 28 “Is God Thankful?”
(Click here to view the “I’M IN” introduction video by Pastor Mark)
You have a God-given purpose waiting to be discovered. You have people around you ready to encourage you. And, you may not know it yet, but you have everything you need to chase your passion. We just have one question: Are You In?
- Sept. 5 I’m Invited Luke 7:37-48
- Sept. 12 I’m Invaluable 1 Corinthians 12:12-27
- Sept. 19 I’m Influential John 4:9-41
- Sept. 26 I’m Invested Luke 9:12-17, 12:18-21
That’s right, every Sunday at The Log Church you have the opportunity to hear the greatest sermons ever preached because we will be plagiarizing directly from the most famous sermon Jesus (the greatest preacher) ever preached! The Sermon on the Mount was preached to ordinary people and covers a wide range of topics. Every topic of every week will go to the heart and provide practical wisdom that will help everyone to live a life that is rewarding, free of hypocrisy, and pleasing to God.
- June 6 The Attributes of a Great Sermon
- June 13 What Christian Life Looks Like
- June 20 What Type of Christian Are You? (Father’s Day)
- June 27 Are You a Law-Abiding Citizen?
- July 4 (Teen Challenge)
- July 11 You Have Heard It Said … But I Tell You
- July 18 Honest to God
- July 25 Radical Love
- Aug 1 Don’t Be A Showoff
- Aug 8 Where’s Your Heart?
- Aug 15 Don’t Worry
- Aug 22 Don’t Judge, Ask
- Aug 29 Hypocrites Beware
- Sept. 5 Just Do It (Labor Day Weekend)
(Click here to view the “TRUE RICHES” introduction video by Pastor Mark)
Jesus knew that how we think about money shapes our character. Our approach can make us more like him — full of contentment, purpose and freedom — or it can cause a tragic separation from God and the joy he offers. In this series, based on the book by the same name, we’ll contrast the financial attitudes that weigh us down with those that give us life.
- April 11 Pride to Gratitude I Timothy 6:17-19
- April 18 Indifference to Love Matthew 6:19-24
- May 2 Anxiety to Trust Matthew 6:25-34
- May 9 Encouraging Reminders from Philippians 4 (Mother’s Day)
- May 16. Coveting to Contentment
- May 23. Outsourcing to Engagement
- May 30. Vision Sunday
(Click here to view the “Changed by Jesus'” intro video by Pastor Mark)
In the month of March, we will be hearing firsthand accounts of Biblical characters who had their lives completely changed by Jesus. Join us on Sundays at 10:00 am, either in-person or online, as we hear their stories told to us through dramatic character portrayals that will bring these accounts to life.
- March 7 A Changed Businessman (Zacchaeus) Pastor Mark with Chris Tangen
- March 14 A Changed Invalid (The Lame Man). Pastor Mark with Matt Shamp
- March 21 A Changed Outcast (The Leper Who Came Back). Pastor Mark with Cody DePlazes
- March 28 A Changed Dead Man (Lazarus) Pastor Troy with Charlie Williams
- April 2 GOOD FRIDAY 6:30 pm A Changed Woman. (Martha). Pastor Mark with Sarah Dawdy
- April 4 EASTER SUNDAY And Then Everything Changed … Have We?
Next Step Card … for a New Believer
Next Step Card … for Believers Who Want to Grow
(Click here to view the “WHAT’S YOUR WHY?'” intro video by Pastor Mark)
Have you ever wondered why? Why me O Lord? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow suffering? Is it ok to ask God why? This series is going to focus on what God wants us to know and how He plans to help us navigate our way through the “Why times” that life throws our way.
- February 7 God, Why Me? (Pastor Mark)
Have you ever found yourself wondering if things are ever going to get better or if you are ever going to catch a break? Does it seem like a dark cloud is always following you and you don’t know what you’ve done to deserve what is happening to you or what you are having to go through? God, why me?
- February 14 Greatest Love Story Ever Told -Valentine’s Day Message (Pastor Troy)
- February 21. God, Why Them? (Pastor Mark)
Have you ever wondered why? Why me O Lord? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does God allow suffering? Is it ok to ask God why? This series is going to focus on what God wants us to know and how He plans to help us navigate our way through the “Why times” that life throws our way.
- February 28. God, Do Something! (Pastor Mark)
Why is it that evil is so prevalent and appears to prosper while those who do good seem to get trampled upon? And why does it seem that those who do evil seem to get away scot-free? Is there any hope for justice? God, why not destroy evil right now?
DON’T GROW COLD (A study in I Peter)
(Click here to view Introduction Video by Pastor Mark)
January in MN, “Baby It’s Cold Outside”, and as the pandemic continues, it’s natural to grow cold and callous towards life. The Log Church wants to help you resist or even melt the cold in our hearts. Stay warm. Stay sensitive to His Spirit as we step into the new year.
- January 3: Don’t Let Your Perspective Grow Cold * (Pastor Mark)
*We will include the YouTube video of Lou Holtz. These links were sent to Pastor Mark by Jim Schultz. or
- January 10: Don’t Let Your VALUES Grow Cold (Pastor Troy)
- January 17: Don’t Let Your CALLING Grow Cold (Pastor Mark)
- January 24: Don’t Let Your LOVE Grow Cold (Pastor Mark)
15 Ways to Honor Your Wife
Finally All of You Checklist
- January 31: Don’t Let Your LOVE FOR COMMUNITY Grow Cold (Pastor Mark)
THE BEHOLD CHALLENGE (click here to view)
The word Behold means to see or gaze upon. There is a lot to look at during the Christmas season…the lights, snow, Christmas deals and presents piling up underneath the tree but is that what we are supposed to be gazing upon or should it be something else? This four-week Christmas series will focus on what we need to be BEHOLDING at Christmas time and all the time!
Whenever we are faced with an uncertain future, we still have something we can fully expect and trust.What are you trusting in these days? Is it trustworthy?
Storms are a reality for all of us. You may be in a storm right now. How can God give us the ability to see through the storms?
We need to keep our eyes open to the many ways God works in our lives, because if we don’t…we may miss it.
How do you see yourself? How does God see you? Once you know it may change everything in your life.
Join us either in person or online for our special Christmas Eve services that will have wonderful music, an inspirational message and a special candlelight time that will help children, youth, families and adult of all ages to BEHOLD HIM!
2020 is almost over…finally! What should our focus be as we move into 2021?
Tough circumstances are no match for the kind of inner strength fueled by hope. It’s the difference between a situation destroying your future and a situation galvanizing your potential. (Outline from 50 Days of Unleashing Hope from Hope Covenant Church, Chandler, AZ
- Introduction Video: “NEED HOPE?”
- Sunday, Oct. 11: Recharge Your Batteries
Psalm 31:24 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Oct. 18: Raise Your Expectations
1 Corinthians 13:13 Pastor Fred Cressman - Sunday, Oct. 25: Refocus on the Future
Philippians 3:13-14 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 1: Hope in Chaos!
1 Corinthians 11:17-12:34 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 8: Hope In Love
1 Corinthians 13 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 15: Hope In the Church
1 Corinthians 14 Pastor Troy - Sunday, Nov. 22: Thanksgiving: Give Thanks
Psalm 136:1 Pastor Troy
This four-week series reminds us that God is with us in the disorienting, culture-shifting situations we find ourselves in, whether because of a global pandemic like COVID-19, a new life stage by choice, or a sudden change by chance.
- Sunday, Sept. 13: Resetting Our Priorities
Haggai 1:1-2:23 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Sept. 20: Remaining Hopeful & Hopefilled
Zechariah 8:4-13 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Sept. 27: Moving Forward Boldly
Esther 3:1-15; 4:14 Pastor Mark - Sunday, Oct. 4: New Opportunities
Acts 8:26-39 Pastor Mark
In a world of texts, tweets, and memes, the Bible often gets reduced to an old book of inspirational quotes and wise sayings. This series will help us sort out commonly misquoted verses and misunderstood passages to keep us from getting God’s Word twisted.
- Sunday, August 2: Pastor Mark
Ask Anything - Sunday, August 9: Pastor Mark
Do Not Judge - Sunday, August 16: Pastor Mark & Guest Fred Cressman
A Global vs. Local Perspective - Sunday, August 23: Pastor Mark
Everything Happens for a Reason - Sunday, August 30: Pastor Troy
Plans to Prosper - Sunday, Sept. 6: Pastor Mark
God Never Gives Us More Than We Can Handle
Truth Plus Love
(Based on the book by Matt Brown)
The stakes are high and the need is great for Christians to represent Jesus to the world. Today, we have more influence than ever before—for better and for worse. Social media has provided a global megaphone, but it’s not enough to speak truth louder to a noisy culture. To counter the negative reputation Christians have earned, our love must be just as loud. (Please click on the links below to view sermon)
- Sunday, June 7
Where Has Our Influence Gone? - Sunday, June 14
Love - Sunday, June 21
Love is … patient & kind - Sunday, June 28
Love does not … envy or boast & is not proud - Sunday, July 5
Love is not … rude, self-seeking or easily angered - Sunday, July 12
Love does not … delight in evil but rejoices with the truth - Sunday, July 19
Love always … protects, trusts, hopes, perserveres - Sunday, July 26
Truth Plus Love Influence
Go to any bookstore and you will find dozens if not hundreds of leadership books. In today’s world we seem to be consumed with pursuing leadership yet Jesus says, “Come and follow me.” And during this pandemic, we are all forced to follow yet, for many of us, this is becoming increasingly difficult. So, how can we become better followers and could it be that the key to being a good leader is to be a great follower?
- Sunday, May 3
The Case for Followership - Sunday, May 10
Law #1 of Followership – Followers Buy In - Sunday, May 17
Law #2 of Followership – Followers Stay Connected - Sunday, May 24
Law #3 of Followership – Followers Imitate Well - Sunday, May 31
Law #4 of Followership – Followers Remain Followers
G.O.A.T. (Greatest Of All Time)
Whether or not you’re a Christian, it’s hard to argue that any man has had a greater influence on history than Jesus. Two thousand years after Jesus’ time on earth, we still talk about Him and what He did. In this series we take a look at things that made Jesus the G.O.A.T.
- Sunday, April 5 (Palm Sunday)
The Greatest King - Friday, April 10
Good Friday Service - Sunday, April 12 (Easter)
The Greatest Still - Sunday, April 19
The Greatest Teacher - Sunday, April 26
The Greatest Sacrifice
Hope In The Midst of a Pandemic:
The COVID-19 pandemic is real and it will be impacting us for awhile. How are we called to respond and live in a world that will be battling and struggling with this virus? Where is God in the midst of this?
Sunday, March 8
Hope In the Midst of a Pandemic (Audio File) -
Sunday, March 15
Hope In the Midst of a Pandemic -
Sunday, March 22
A New Abnormal -
Sunday, March 29
Here We Are _ So Here We Go -
Sunday, April 5
Things You Can be Sure of in Unsure Times
Living In A Messed Up World
Things in our world seem to be getting “messier” every day and it can lead us to wonder if there is anything we can do about it. Thankfully, there is and that is what we are uncovering this winter at The Log Church as we take a journey through I Peter.
RE: Jesus
Isn’t it amazing how busy we get at Christmas time? We have so many things that require our time and attention which can make it easy to forget what Christmas is really all about. When you send or receive an email, many times the subject line will tell you what the email is regarding, (RE:). So throughout the month of December the subject of our messages will be … RE: Jesus so that we do not lose focus on the One who is the reason for the season.
Living In Open Brokenness
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Let’s Get Real
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Letting Go
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Celebration of Life Services
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Gerri Westlund – Celebration of Life
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Bradly Bethke – Celebration of Life
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Dear Church…
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
Making Better Decisions
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.
The Promise
We live in a world where everyone has a difficult time admitting weakness, failure, and especially brokenness. The process of being “broken” does not mean that we are somehow separated from God — in fact, it is the opposite! It is our brokenness that we are drawn to God and to each other.