Date Title Scripture Transcripts
19-Jan Intro to TLC Mission/Vision Transcript
26-Jan Vibrant Worship & Prayer Transcript
2-Feb Authentic Relationships:Love the Lord
9-Feb Love People in Authentic Relationship
16-Feb Rooted in the Word of God
23-Feb Walking in Step with the Holy Spirit
2-Mar Reaching our Community with the Gospel
9-Mar Jonah
16-Mar Jonah
23-Mar Jonah
30-Mar Jonah
6-Apr Jonah
13-Apr Palm Sunday
20-Apr Easter Sunday


20-Oct Faith in Suffering 1:1-12 Transcript
27-Oct The Source of Temptation 1:13-18 Transcript
3-Nov Characteristics of Faith 1:19-27 Transcript
10-Nov Faith Does Not Show Favoritism 2:1-13 Transcript
17-Nov The Faith That Saves 2:14-26 Transcript
24-Nov Faith Controls the Tongue 3:1-12 Transcript
1-Dec Wisdom 3:13-18 Transcript
8-Dec Divisions 4:1-12 Transcript
15-Dec The Future 4:13-5:12 Transcript
22-Dec Isaiah-Birth of Jesus Isaiah
24-Dec Incarnation of Jesus Philippians

29-Dec.       A Year of Gratitude                                                                 Transcript

05-Jan.       Faith & the Future.  James 4:13-5:12                                    Transcript

12-Jan.    Faith and Christian Relationships  James 5:13-20             Transcript


Date Title Scripture Transcript
26-May Revelation Intro Rev. 1-4 Transcript
2-Jun The Pinnacle of History Rev. 5  Transcript
9-Jun Seals 1-6 Rev. 6  Transcript
16-Jun The 144000 Rev. 7  Transcript
23-Jun 7th Seal & Trumpets 2-4 Rev. 8  Transcript
30-Jun The 1st 2 Woes! Rev. 9  Transcript
7-Jul MN Teen & Adult Challenge
14-Jul The Second Interlude Rev. 10-11:14  Transcript
21-Jul 7th Trumpet & Another Interlude Rev. 11:15-12:17  Transcript
28-Jul By Land and By Sea Rev. 13  Transcript
4-Aug The Mark Rev. 14  Transcript
11-Aug The Judgement Bowls Rev. 15-16:15  Transcript
18-Aug Armageddon (Baptism Sunday) Rev. 16:16-21  Transcript
25-Aug Fall of The Woman & Babylon Rev. 17-18  Transcript
1-Sep Jesus, Our Victor; Beast & Prophet Rev. 19  Transcript
8-Sep The Millenium Rev. 20:1-10  Transcript
15-Sep Judgement of the Dead Rev. 20:11-15  Transcript
22-Sep New Jerusalem Revelation Rev. 21  Transcript
29-Sep The Final Word Rev. 22  Transcript


5-May God The Father Varied
12-May Jesus The Son Varied
19-May The Holy Spirit Varied


28-Apr Missions at The Log Church


21-Jan Nehemiah’s Prayer Nehemiah 1:1-11
28-Jan Nehemiah before Artaxerxes Nehemiah 2:1-10
4-Feb Rebuilding Begins Nehemiah 2:11-20
11-Feb Everyone has a Job Nehemiah 3:1-32
18-Feb Our Defense, Commitment Nehemiah 4:1-23
25-Feb How we Treat the Poor Nehemiah 5:1-13
3-Mar Nehemiah’s Example Nehemiah 5:14-19
10-Mar Nehemiah Focused Nehemiah 6:1-19
17-Mar Our Protector Nehemiah 7:1-73a
24-Mar Ezra’s Revival Nehemiah 7:73b-8:12
31-Mar Festival of Booths Nehemiah 8:13-18
7-Apr Confession & Commitment Nehemiah 9:1-10:39
14-Apr Play Ball Nehemiah 11:1-12:47
21-Apr The Principles of Jewish Life Nehemiah 13:1-31


10-Dec Mary & Elizabeth are Expecting! Luke 1:26-56
17-Dec John The Baptist is Born! Luke 1:57-80
24-Dec The Messiah is Born! Luke 2:1-20
31-Dec New Year’s Resolutions


17-Sep The Charge Concerning Doctrine 1 Timothy 1:1-11
24-Sep The Charge Concerning Duty 1 Timothy 1:12-20
1-Oct The Charge Concerning Worship Pt.1 1 Timothy 2:1-8
8-Oct The Charge Concerning Worship Pt. 2 1 Timothy 2:9-15
15-Oct The Charge Concerning Leaders 1 Timothy 3:1-16
22-Oct The Charge Concerning False Teachers Pt 1 1 Timothy 4:1-8
29-Oct The Charge Concerning False Teachers Pt 2 1 Timothy 4:9-16
5-Nov The Charge Concerning Laity Pt. 1 1 Timothy 5:1-16
12-Nov The Charge Concerning Laity Pt. 2 1 Timothy 5:17-6:2
19-Nov The Charge Concerning The Pastor Pt. 1 1 Timothy 6:3-10
26-Nov Give Thanks To The Lord Psalm 118:1
3-Dec The Charge Concerning The Pastor Pt. 2 1 Timothy 6:11-21


9-Jul Joy In Community Philippians 1:1-11
16-Jul Joy in Suffering Phil. 1:12-30
23-Jul Heart of The City Worship Band
30-Jul Joy in Service Phil. 2:1-11
6-Aug Baptism Testimonies
13-Aug Joy in Attitude Phil. 2:12-30
20-Aug Joy in Humility Phil. 3:1-11
27-Aug Joy in The Future Phil. 3:12-4:1
3-Sep Joy in Prayer Phil. 4:2-9
10-Sep Joy in Contentment Phil. 4:10-23


We begin a series  based on The Great Commission and The Great Commandments




  • Sept. 4      Upon This Rock.    2 Timothy 3:16
    The introduction to the series sets the foundation of the value of Scripture.  Culture dismisses the Old Testament; Jesus came to fulfill it.
  •  Sept. 11         And God Said     Genesis 1
    Main thought: God as Creator. Humanity tries to create God in our image, but God created us in His. Our culture limits the power of God in creation, God is fully capable of doing anything.
  • Sept. 18         The Fall        Genesis 3
    Main thought: Man has become sinful. Here we look at the results of sin and the subsequent separation from God. This is the beginning of our story and the entire message of Scripture.
  • Sept. 25         Rain and 3 Cities         Genesis 6-9, 11, 18-19
    This week we look at three stories.  The Flood, The Tower of Babel, and The Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah.
  • Oct. 2        Abraham and Isaac     Genesis 12, 15-16, 20-25
    Join us as we study the first 2 patriarchs of the faith. What made them so special to receive such a huge promise from God
  • Oct. 9      God of War       Exodus 1-15
    The story of the Exodus is more than God saving His People from slavery.  It’s about God’s cosmic war against the false gods of Egypt.  His cosmic war didn’t stop there and it’s still going on today and He declares war on our idols.
  • Oct. 16   Jacob & Joseph
    This week we look at Jacob & Joseph, the final 2 of the 4 Patriarchs of the Jewish faith.  This father son duo carry the promise of God, but they did it in two very different ways.